Please find below a list of the most common reasons people come to me for hypnosis treatments
I charge £100 for the first session, £100 for the second session and then £70 per session if things take longer than that.
My most common pattern of sessions is 2 sessions within two weeks of each other and then a 3rd a month later. 10% off if you book all three in advance. £243 payable at the end of the first session. If you need any further support for the same issue after that then the session prices will be £70 thereafter.
This includes sessions and sometimes some personalised hypnotic audios for use in between if required.
Smoking can often be done in one session. Sometimes more are required. I charge a £250 flat rate – this buys you up to three additional sessions over the course of the year following the first session so you have a safety net! That’s roughly the equivalent of 20 smokes per day for 22 days to save your life.
If you feel like you would like longer-term support straight off the bat then I offer two options. This is usually taken up for issues that require longer-term support due to required lifestyle changes or multiple issues.
15% discount for six sessions to be cashed in over the course of six months: £408.
20% discount for twelve sessions to be cashed in over the course of a year: £720.
Anxiety Treatment
Anxiety is all about happiness. The experience is a message from you to you highlighting something that threatens your happiness and wellbeing. If anxiety is a problem then the message has become your reality and that happiness is harder to experience. It’s still there though - do you need help finding it?
Trauma Recovery
Sometimes when you experience trauma it is as if a part of your mind gets stuck in the memory and continues to respond to that memory as if it is still happening. Do you need rescuing from that memory so that it can become just that - something that happened once but is over now?
Allergy Therapy
Allergies can come on for no apparent reason and we can grow out of them for no apparent reason. So what if your allergy is psychosomatic and therefore an unnecessary inconvenience in your life? I treat allergies as phobic reactions within the immune system. How does the prospect of being allergy free sound?
Overcome Depression
Depression is often treated as an illness, but I do not treat it as such. Believing you are ill and cannot do anything about it when you are feeling so low is disempowering and dangerous. Would you like to feel more empowered to make the necessary changes to overcome depression symptoms?
Smash Procrastination
If you are procrastinating then you are experiencing some sort of inner conflict - part of you wants to do something and part of you does not. This can mean you feel that you are being pulled in two different directions at the same time. Would you like to restore balance and pick the direction that is best for you?
Beat Social Anxiety
If you experience social anxiety symptoms then you are living in the imagined heads of others rather than your own. Would you like to just live in your own head?
Stop Smoking. Stop Vaping
Giving up smoking or vaping is less about the addiction, and more about dismantling the conscious and subconscious lies that you've told yourself over the years to justify feeding the habit. Would you like to be truer to yourself?
Resolve Phobias
Phobias are all in the imagination, but your imagination has become your reality. Do you need waking from an unpleasant dream?
Defeat ARFID
ARFID, also known as Selective Eating Disorder (SED), is not just about fussy eating, it is about fear. Once the association of food with fear is broken then you will be happy to try different foods. Would you like mealtimes to become more relaxaing and exciting?
Improve weight, health and fitness
I have never liked the term weight loss. You are not losing anything useful and it is not good to associate regaining control of your body with any kind of deprivation. How would you like to gain more control over your relationship with food and fitness?
Overcome Fear In Sport
Did you used to do a sport or activity but had an experience that instilled fear or doubt that is preventing you from getting back into it? Is there something that you really want to do but cannot bring yourself to do it? Wuold you like some help to stop thinking and start doing?
Something Else Troubling You?
If you are experiencing any pattern of unwanted thoughts, feelings or behaviours that seem to be out of your control and they are not listed here – please contact me for a chat as there is a very good chance that I can help. The mind is very good at resolving problems, but it is also extremely creative at manifesting more problems than I can list here.