Stop Smoking. Stop Vaping.
If you are reading this then you've probably tried a bit of cold turkey, maybe patches or gum or pills, perhaps you've tried hypnosis before. Maybe it worked for a while and then the cigarettes or vape slipped back in. Maybe it was just an uphill struggle for too long and got too much. Either way, you are still shackled to cigarettes or a vape and you would rather be free.
It doesn’t matter how long you've been smoking or vaping, and it doesn't matter how heavily you smoke or vape. You have no control over all the cigarettes that you have smoked or vapes you’ve vaped in the past, and that's fine. What you do have control over is the next one, and if you never light that next one, would that make you happy?
If you are smoking or vaping when you do not want to - those certain times of day - you are not out of control - you are just responding to a carefully constructed set of lies that you have put together over the years to justify feeding this mild addiction. It is those lies that are controlling you and not the cigarettes. You can stop right now if you stop believing those lies.
The 'why I smoke or vape’ lies are largely subconscious and run automatically in the background which is why conscious change is so difficult. The thoughts that keep you smoking are invisible to you.
We will dismantle these lies by talking to the subconscious parts of your mind that are driving the habit in order to get them on board with the change, or I will teach you, using hypnosis and thought experiments, to see these invisible thoughts as just thoughts giving you the freedom to choose different ones.
Our time together will achieve one of three things:
You will stop thinking about smoking or vaping. It's just not something that you do anymore.
You will get the odd thought to smoke or vape like: "what have I forgotten...? Oh, I don't do that any more."
You may still get cravings for a while, but you will recognise them for what they are - just thoughts and sensations - and they will pass quicker until they stop occurring altogether.
Are you ready to stop smoking or vaping now?
Please click here to contact me for a no obligation chat or to book an appointment.
Smoking can often be done in one session. Sometimes more are required. I charge £250 flat rate – this buys you up to two additional sessions over the course of the year following the first session in case you need further support! That's about the price of 16 packets of cigarettes to win back some years of your life and a lot more than that in savings.
Or please take a look through this non-exhaustive list of some of my other services: Anxiety Treatment, Trauma Recovery, Allergy Therapy, Overcome Depression, Smash Procrastination, Beat Social Anxiety, Resolve Phobias, Defeat ARFID, Improve Weight And Fitness, Overcome Fear In Sport.