Please find a selection of recent testimonials from clients below
Side Stepping Guilt
“My actions would be right or wrong based on the opinions of others. I’ve been worried others would see my actions as wrong.
People have been constantly telling me for a long time I did nothing wrong and even you, a virtual stranger could see that. It was only me left who thought I’d done something wrong. So now I can believe I was right even if it hurt me to do it.
I just feel a little bit silly that everyone else knew I shouldn’t feel guilty and I was the only fool that was still thinking it. But I can laugh that one off now.”
— Sarah
Ending Insecurities
“Since my hypnosis things have changed so much. The way I think and feel about my relationship now.
I am so happy with myself and my partner. Things are so much better now. I have no more worries about my relationship and the thought that things are going to go wrong. We are so happy and my partner has seen such a change in me.
I can’t express my thanks for your amazing help.”
- James
Saved My Life
“I was suffering severe depression and anxiety due to the breakdown of my marriage. I was unable to work as an author and gave Alex the goal of getting me writing again. In 3 sessions Alex did more than the past 12 months of counselling and other treatments combined. I'm cautious to say 'miracle cure' but if you're open to hypnotherapy techniques then major changes and progress can be achieved in a very short time. A far healthier alternative to anti-depressants! I only wish I'd tried this earlier. I recommend Alex for his personal and bespoke approach. He employs a variety of techniques to engage your subconscious and prepares meticulously for each session. An excellent hypnotherapist.”
— Chris
Facing Fear
“I cannot describe to you how much things have changed in such a short period of time. I feel lighter, happier and feel like a weight has been lifted from my mind.
I walk around with a constant smile on my face and my life is now full of laughter and light. I am no longer feeling scared about travelling away from the sanctuary I call home.
I have respect for my life, and feel a zest for life I have never had.”
- Jess
Ditching Worry
“I have to be honest and say that I’m feeling a lot better in myself and have noticed that I have stopped worrying about things after the event.
There has been the odd nervous moment but not after an event and its more controllable.
Socially I feel a lot less nervous also, which is a good thing and have been enjoying myself rather than feeling awkward.”
- Amy
Squashing Anxiety
“You help me to find a technique to talk to my mind and it’s been life changing. I don’t have this fear of abandonment anymore, I cannot tell you how massive this is! I have been living with that fear for so long. My relationship is also getting a lot better as I am getting less defensive and attacking!
I am starting to notice and enjoy life a lot more.
I cannot thank you enough for helping me overcome some of my deepest issues and for unravelling some really ingrained patterns.”
- Eloise
Banishing Depression
“I cannot describe the difference you have made to my life, since my visit.
I have been on every diet known to mankind so loosing 8lbs so effortlessly through the Christmas period has been incredible.
Further to my weight loss this emotional experience has had far reaching positive consequences to many other areas of my life.
An emotional blockage that caused me to binge eat and drink has been removed, leaving me feeling happier and healthier.”
- Samantha
Instilling Confidence
“I just wanted to let you know that I have, at last, finished my degree
I got a 2 : 1, so I didn’t even ‘just scrape through’!
I honestly don’t think I would have been able to do it without your help; I wouldn’t have been able to stick it out with my mind working the way it was.
So, many many thank yous and huge appreciation for your brilliant work.”
- Claire