Overcoming Depression
Depression can feel like a retreat and when you are retreating you do not feel like beating anything. Beating your depression symptoms can be done though and with the right guidance it is often a lot easier to do than you think.
I could list a bunch of symptoms of depression but I do not believe this to be necessary. Your depression symptoms will have a lot of similarities to symptoms that others experience, they may even seem identical, but this does not matter. Your experience is unique.
Using hypnosis I have worked with people that have been experiencing symptoms of depression for a few weeks, a few months, a few years or for as long as they can remember. Some people's symptoms come from horrific periods of their lives and some from experiences that are comparatively tame, but no less significant to them. I have worked with people who do not know why they feel the way they do. I do not find the length of time they've been experiencing their symptoms to make any difference when it comes to treating clients who feel depressed. I do not find the events that led to developing these symptoms to make any difference to how hard or easy they are to beat.
Each and every client is different and no two sessions or treatments are identical. For the best chance of quick success I need to treat you, the person, not the depression.
Depression Symptoms Are Not The Problem
I am referring to them as depression symptoms as I do not believe in depression. I do not believe that depression is a thing. I do not believe you have depression. I just believe that there are things going on in your mind that are causing you to feel depressed. Reading this may anger you to read this but remember my experience of depression is that it is a solvable problem and your experience of it, by depression’s very nature, is one of hoplessness.
If you take a look at my What Is Hypnosis Page, I talk about natural trance states. If you are experiencing depression then you are in a trance state, a state of focus on what is wrong. You are so focussed on what is wrong that you cannot truly see or experience what is still right or cannot possibly concentrate for long enough on what you need to do to make it right. Whatever the reason for your symptoms, they are a form of self-hypnosis that you can be ‘woken up’ from.
As you work with me you will begin to understand your thought processes in a different way. As I demonstrate to you how you create your own reality, you can start to liberate yourself from the darkness as you start to notice that other thoughts, feelings and strategies are there and always have been, you’ve just become unaware of them.
Please click here to contact me for a no obligation chat or to book an appointment.
I charge £100 for the first session, £100 for the second session and then £70 per session if things take longer than that.
My most common pattern of sessions is 2 sessions within two weeks of each other and then a 3rd a month later. 10% off if you book all three in advance. £243 payable at the end of the first session. If you need any further support for the same issue after that then the session prices will be £70 thereafter.
All treatment includes phone support between sessions if you need it and hypnotic audios to listen to at home.
Or please take a look through this non-exhaustive list of some of my other services: Anxiety Treatment, Trauma Recovery, Allergy Therapy, Smash Procrastination, Beat Social Anxiety, Stop Smoking, Resolve Phobias, Defeat ARFID, Improve Weight And Fitness, Overcome Fear In Sport.