Treating Social Anxiety Disorder Naturally

If you see a professional for help with Social Anxiety Disorder there a few different approaches that are on offer:

You might be offered drugs which can make you feel better and give you some respite from the symptoms to give you some time to take more control of your life, but they may have side effects and they probably don't solve the problem.

Anxiety is a fear reaction, it is a sensitivity to threat or risk that makes you retreat from challenges rather than face them. Anxiety is on your side, but it makes you feel awful and prevents you from making the most of the opportunities in life. Drugs take away the awful feeling, but they do not deal with why part of your mind is scared, they just numb you to it.

An alternative to medication would be something like psychotherapy, counselling or Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. These can be very effective and they are very natural, but they are hard work and take a lot of time. Sometimes they can give you conscious control of the effects of the subconscious surges of anxiety, but they cannot always solve the problem at origin in the subconscious mind.

Then there is hypnosis with a good hypnotist. Hypnosis goes right to the source of the anxiety, to the subconscious part of the mind that perceives the threat and acts to prevent you from having to face the risk. A hypnotist will establish communication with the subconscious mind and tell it there's no need to be scared, to tell it that some risks are worth taking, ask it to keep on taking care of you but to let you make some of the decisions. Treating Social phobias with hypnosis can expand your comfort zone and significantly improve your life, giving you more confidence with people so that you are able to make the most of opportunities that come your way and take your life forwards.

Hypnosis is a natural remedy for unpleasant feelings that you get in social situations. Hypnosis does not help you deal with anxiety or treat anxiety. Hypnosis just changes what your subconscious does in order to get you something different – it deals with the cause and not the effect.


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