Hypnotist In West Sussex Can Help You Change Your Life

It took a good deal of time and effort to become who you are but that is not always enough. Sometimes you are too much and sometimes you just aren't quite enough. Sometimes who you are is perfect in one situation but not quite right in another. Why then is it so hard to just switch and do something else next time? Why can't you just do what you need to do when you need to do it? It doesn't seem to be a difficult concept. Why then does it seem so hard to change yourself for the better to do things differently and get the life that you want?

It's because you are a complicated person. Your conscious mind thinks it is in control but there is more to your mind than the part that does the meet and greet with the external world:

  • Your mind is layers of memories, expectations, beliefs, values and imagined possibilities.

  • Your mind is split into parts that all want their own way but only one can win in each situation.

  • The external world puts on an appearance of being rational, logical and diplomatic but your mind is driven by emotion without rationale whether you admit it or not.

To change the way you do the smallest thing – meet a strangers eye in a chance encounter, shake your bosses hand with a firm grip, saying yes to unusual suggestion for the weekend, for once not arguing with your partner, scooping up a spider from the sink, – does not mean changing just one small thing, it means:

  • descending through those layers and aligning them for the right moment in time.

  • negotiating all the different parts of your mind to work together and agree.

  • getting rid of the feelings that steer you away from the change such as fear and anxiety and boosting the ones that make you want to face the change such as anticipation and confidence.

If you can do that, then you can change your life as you will be able to seize opportunities as they come up rather than shy away from them.

All these changes need to be made in the subconscious mind so that the conscious change is effortless. Hypnosis is a way to talk to your subconscious mind. I use hypnotic tricks to talk to the subconscious, we descend through the layers using metaphor, talk to the different parts of your mind and mediate when there is inner conflict and symbolise feelings in order to work with symbols to change the way you feel. Done properly, hypnosis will change the subconscious pattern that you run making a change for life.

If you come and see me for hypnosis in Worthing, West Sussex, you will have a unique experience, the session will be unique to you as I do not use set scripts to treat set symptoms, and I will check our work throughout the session to ensure that the work we are doing is changing you enough to change your life.


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