Stress As Dealt With By Alex Vrettos A Sussex Hypnotherapist

When you hear the word Stress these days you probably think of that unpleasant feeling of nervous tension, a feeling of banging your head against a brick wall or tearing your own hair out, sleepless nights and thoughts going round and round in your head. This is not Stress though. This is the result of a bad Stress pattern that you are running.

I see Stress as the opposite to fear and anxiety. Where as fear and anxiety is a pattern to keep you where you are, safe, free from risk, a Stress pattern is necessary to get you moving – you cannot feel stressed unless you trying to achieve something and it is probably impossible to achieve something significant without a certain amount of Stress driving you forwards. The Stress pattern that you run should fuel your ambition so if the pattern that you are currently using does anything but that, you may want to change it. Changing that pattern will make you healthier, increase your enjoyment and your success, it will change your life experience.

The pattern is being run by your subconscious mind and so in hypnosis I can talk to that part of your mind and change it. Many hypnotherapists will use scripts with preconceived ideas of what Stress is which may not be relevant to you. I do not use scripts. I will work with what you are doing and change that for what you would rather have. Hypnosis with me is a two way process so I will be checking with you that it is working throughout the session. If Stress for you is like a fire under your skin then we will dowse that fire or use the heat to fire your ambition, if Stress is like a maze, I'll help you out of it, if Stress has driven you close to the edge I'll hypnotise you and lead you away from it.

Hypnosis is often marketed as a tranquil experience with lots of idyllic images and a focus on relaxation. My methods are more direct, focusing on creating a hypnotic connection, testing it and then working with your imagination until the change has been achieved. If you don't want to sit on top of rainbow thinking positive thoughts, I won't ask you to. One client saw the journey into hypnosis as diving through ice and then fire. There's only one way to find out how it will be for you and that is to see a hypnotherapist such as me, Alex Vrettos. I practice in Worthing, West Sussex.


Depression As Treated In Hypnosis By A Sussex Hypnotherapist


Phobia As Dealt With By Sussex Hypnotherapist, Alex Vrettos