Phobia As Dealt With By Sussex Hypnotherapist, Alex Vrettos

A phobia can define you. A phobia can decide for you what you can and can't do, and you will find ways of living your life to avoid the trigger. It can feel that a phobia is something separate from you but it's not. It is a pattern that your subconscious mind runs in order to keep you away from that trigger. At some point your subconscious has decided that that trigger is a threat to you and so runs a fear pattern to keep you away from it.

The pattern is a collection of images, expectations, beliefs, thoughts, memories and feelings all bundled up and thrown at your conscious mind, most of it before you are aware of it. The main thing you are aware of is that feeling of panic or terror, that irrational feeling that defines you and makes you absolutely certain that you are going to do everything you can to avoid that feeling again. You are not scared of the trigger, you are scared of that feeling and we can change that feeling by changing that pattern. If we change that pattern you can start doing things in life and going places in life that you have always avoided. Changing that pattern will change your life.

In Hypnosis, I talk directly to your subconscious mind and give it a different pattern. With a different pattern you will get a different feeling attached to the trigger and so you will have nothing to avoid, and you can go about your life feeling more comfortable. Hypnotherapy is often marketed with lots of tranquil images and positive thinking. I do not use generic scripts with preconceived ideas of what a phobia is. Your phobia is unique to you, so I establish a subconscious connection with your mind, identify what is there and then change it so each session is unique to you. I find what you are doing and teach you to do something different. As a hypnotist, it is a matter of professional pride that results are achieved in the minimum number of session.

So if you have a phobia and you're interested in it's fast removal, contact me, Alex Vrettos a hypnotherapist in Sussex and we'll have a chat about it.


Stress As Dealt With By Alex Vrettos A Sussex Hypnotherapist