How Can I Be Different?

Everything you do and everything you are is a result of subconscious patterns. At the root of those patterns are beliefs. Beliefs are perceptions of the world and your place within it that are formed deep in your subconscious over time learned from your life experience. You can be different by changing your beliefs, with different beliefs you will run new subconscious patterns to align yourself with those beliefs and you will be a new you. For example, if you believe that you have to succeed at everything that you try, it will quite possibly cause you fear and anxiety unless you have another unfaltering belief that you are awesome at everything.

It is not easy to change your beliefs though, many of them are held deep in your subconscious so that you may not even consciously know you have them. An emotional situation can change a belief, mental discipline and re-education could change a belief, and above all hypnosis can change a belief – hypnosis is by far the easiest way to do it.

In hypnosis, I establish Ideomotor Responses in your hands – these are subconscious micro movements in your muscles that result in a movement of a finger or thumb for YES and finger or thumb for NO. These movements will happen without you making any conscious decisions in answer to my questions – I can then have a genuine conversation with your subconscious.

One way I might use these in terms of beliefs is to state a series of relevant beliefs and ask for true or false response from your subconscious using the yes and no fingers. The responses will tell me which subconscious beliefs are getting in your way, and I can then give your subconscious a new belief that will get you want you want. To do this, I will need to install the belief in a way that your subconscious mind will soak it up as truth. This can be an instantaneous change in hypnosis because it completely bypasses any filters of reasoning that the conscious mind would normally put in the way. This is why genuine hypnosis (as opposed to 'relaxotherapy' marketed as hypnotherapy) can be so much quicker than counselling.

There is more to hypnosis than lying back, relaxing and thinking positive thoughts. So find a hypnotist that offers more than that such as myself in Sussex.


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