How Can Hypnosis Help My Anxiety?

Anxiety is a broad term as if everyone who suffers from it suffers from the same thing. Anxiety is a ball park term for a feeling that you get as a result of a subconscious process that you run and you are running a different process than someone else who suffers from anxiety. Anxiety is a pattern that your subconscious runs in order to try to keep you safe, but the side effect is that you feel awful. By its nature a subconscious process is outside of conscious control and trying to change it through conscious processes such as counselling can take a long time and be very hard work. Hypnosis can be faster and easier.

Hypnosis can help with anxiety. In hypnosis, I can talk directly to your subconscious mind, directly to the part of your mind that is running the pattern. Some therapists will do this using scripts designed to treat anxiety but there is no such thing as anxiety. It is important that you work with a hypnotist who will deal with you and not with the anxiety. If you come and see me for hypnosis in Sussex, I will listen to you to get an idea of the pattern that your subconscious is running. I will then induce hypnosis, test hypnosis so that both you and I are satisfied that something different is happening, and I will then work with your subconscious using direct suggestion, metaphor, symbolism and sometimes past life regression if it fits, all of which are solution focused methods of changing your subconscious processes to change your life.

One way that I can have a two way conversation with your subconscious using what are knowns as Ideo Motor Responses which is a techniques where your subconscious moves a finger for Yes and finger for No and this movement happens without your conscious involvement. This enables me to keep checking with your subconscious that what we are doing is working.


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