Does Hypnosis Work For Social Anxiety Disorder?

In theory, the answer is yes as Social Anxiety Disorder is a subconscious pattern, and in hypnosis, the hypnotist talks directly to the part of the mind that runs that pattern and so they can change it. The answer to the question though cannot be an outright yes without meeting you and testing to see if you can be hypnotized.

There are two different hypnotherapies on offer these days but one of them is not hypnosis. Some therapists will use relaxation and imagination which can work on issues such as Social Anxiety but may still take a while.

Genuine hypnosis is induced and tested by a good hypnotist, tested with suggestions like 'you cannot pick up your hand' or 'cannot open your eyes'. This will demonstrate that something strange is going on and a genuine connection with your subconscious mind has been established. From that point onwards quick solution focused hypnosis can alter the subconscious Social Anxiety pattern that you run to a pattern that will make your life more comfortable and give you the ability to overcome the barriers that are holding you back.

Hypnosis works if you can be hypnotised and a good hypnotist such as myself will confirm that for you before going ahead with treatment. A key factor deciding how good a hypnotee you are is the size of a part of your brain called the Rostrum, a part of the Corpus Callosum which connects the left and right hemispheres of your brain. If you have a large Rostrum then you will be a good hypnotee but if you have a small rostrum then may not be able to go into hypnosis and therefore Hypnosis probably is not a worthwhile investment for you. If you come and see me in Worthing I offer a 30 minute consultation to find this out before you invest fully in hypnotic treatment. This is not a service you will get with many hypnotherapists.


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