Metaphor Of The Month - Low Self-Esteem

I had a client come to see me recently who is still at school. One of her issues was low self-esteem, the fact that sometimes she looked in the mirror and thought she was disgusting.

I asked her how she knew that she felt that she was disgusting, and she said that it was a thought in the front of her head. I asked who was speaking the thought and she said ti was like the voice of a wicked witch. When I asked her to describe the wicked witch she said it was actually a pretty princess always telling her that would never be as pretty as her.

I told her to make this princes ugly by giving her a crooked nose with a wart on it and then asked what she had to say for herself. The girl laughed and said she was still saying the same things but with less confidence. I then pulled this princess out of the front of the girl's head and dangled her in front of her face and asked what she had to say for herself now.  Again she was still saying the same things but was harder to hear now. I moved her further away but still could not shut her up so I clapped my hands and squashed her.

Again I asked what she had to say for herself now and the girl looked at me and said very matter-of-factly "Well nothing, she's dead."

That's one way to get rid of self-doubt!


A Hypnotist’s Take On Disney’s Inside Out


A Hypnotherapist’s Take On You’re Back In The Room