Can I be hypnotised or Hypnotized? By Hypnotist Alex Vrettos

Have you ever asked yourself 'Can I be hypnotised?' or 'Can I by hypnotized?' The answer is probably yes but there's only one way to find out and that is to visit a hypnotist such as myself. You can be both Hypnotised and hypnotized as the S or the Z makes no difference to your experience or your ability to be put into hypnosis.

The only factors that effect whether you can be either hypnotised or hypnotized is the size of the Rostrum in your Corpus Callosum which is not a changeable factor – it is either large which makes you a good hypnotee or it is small which limits your ability to be hypnotised or hypnotized. The Corpus Callosum is part of the brain that joins the right hemisphere and left hemisphere.

The other factors are many, but can all be reduced by a good hypnotist during a session – if you are anxious, nervous, scared, distracted, in a bad mood and countless others. A good hypnotist will determine which of these is getting in the way of the hypnosis process and work through them as hypnosis is only the first stage in the process that you are paying for. The better hypnotized you are the quicker and easy it will be to solve the issues that you have come to see me for – which means you have a greater chance of success in fewer sessions which means you significantly reduce your fear and anxiety in certain situations which is how you improve your confidence after just one or two sessions instead of being strung out across several sessions.

Come and see me, Alex Vrettos, for hypnosis in Worthing, West Sussex where I offer a 30 minute consultation for £25 so you can find if you can be hypnotised before investing the full session price. I also offer past life regression as a metaphor in change work or if you are just curious to know 'who was I in a past life?'


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