Please find my online Blog Posts below
How To Treat All Phobias As Phobophobia
I would argue that every phobia is simply a fear of feeling afraid. A phobic reaction has nothing to do with the trigger itself. It is a fear of the feeling that you get when that trigger is there.
Can You Be Hypnotised To Forget Trauma?
I am often asked by people who have survived trauma if I can hypnotise them to forget traumatic memories. It's a good question, but not good therapy.
How Can Hypnosis Help For Sleep All Night?
So, how can hypnosis help for sleep all night? The trick of the self-hypnosis sleep audio is that it focuses the mind in the moment on the process of falling asleep in an abstract way, so the mind can let go of the things that are keeping it otherwise occupied…
What Is Sadness? Sadness Is Self-Hypnosis.
Although sadness feels like a negative emotion, it has a positive intent. When you lose someone or something meaningful you require the support of others. Sadness is a message from you to you to get that support.
What Is Jealousy? Jealousy Is Self-Hypnosis
Jealousy can feel like a very negative emotion, but it means well. What if jealousy is just a message from you to you about something that someone else has that you want.
I'm Worried I'm Traumatising Donald Duck
I have a number of different hypnotic ways to disarm traumatic memories, and one that I have been using for a few months now involves Donald Duck.
What is hypnotherapy and how does it work?
You may not be aware of this, but you will not get exactly the same service from every hypnotherapist if you visit more than one. Hypnotherapy is different with different practitioners and it is worth knowing a little about this if you are looking for someone to support you.
Evolution Of A Worthing Hypnotist
When I first set up my Worthing hypnotherapy practice I decided on calling myself a hypnotist in order to set myself apart from other Worthing hypnotherapists.