How To Treat All Phobias As Phobophobia
Phobias are varied throughout the population, but each one is very specific. I have a list of 1000. Here are some examples of how specific they can be:
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Chronophobia- Fear of time.
Geniophobia- Fear of chins.
Kyphophobia- Fear of stooping.
Pteronophobia- Fear of being tickled by feathers.
I've entitled this blog post ‘Phobophobia’ as that means a fear of developing a phobia or the fear of fear.
I would argue that every phobia is simply a fear of feeling afraid. A phobic reaction has nothing to do with the trigger itself. It is a fear of the feeling that you get when that trigger is there. The mind then constructs a story to justify the fear, a story that the rational mind usually knows is nonsense, but it feels so real at the time.
The trigger is not the threat, but the feeling associated with the trigger has become a threat. The sensations in your own body though are no threat to you. A feeling of fear in the presence of a person who stoops for example is incorrect information. A person's stoop is not a threat. There is no threat present, apart from a feeling that has overwhelmed you for too long.
When you can see the phobia for what it is, when you can understand what your mind and body is doing and how it is doing it, you can experience the feeling without the scary story, so the feeling is no longer scary. When you can experience the scary story without the feeling, the scary story is just incorrect information.
A phobia is a detrimental form of self-hypnosis. A phobia is the imagination experienced as real. I call the process discussed here un-hypnosis. It is a very effective way to treat phobias.
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