Fear As Dealt With By Alex Vrettos, Hypnotherapist In Sussex

Fear is my favourite emotion. It gets a lot of stick but it is actually your friend. It is a pattern that your subconscious runs to keep you safe. Fear is doubt. Fear is belief. Fear is imagining the worst case scenario. Fear is memories. Fear is your reaction to the unfamiliar keeping you safe from change. Fear is the collection of physical symptoms such as nausea and heightened breathing that keep you from facing what you are afraid of. Fear is the action that you take to avoid confronting the object of your Fear. Fear is the perception of chaos who's purpose is to keep order. There is always treasure on the other side of Fear, treasure in the form of a lesson learned, new skills, better circumstances.

Fear has little to do with what you are afraid of. The thing you fear is a symbol of the boundary of your world, of your comfort zone. Whether your Fear takes the form of Phobia, Panic Attacks, General Anxiety, Social Anxiety or even Depression, if you can get past it there is a world of adventure beyond. It can feel as if Fear is something that happens to you but take comfort in the fact that it is something that you do in order to keep yourself safe, and if it is something that you do then you have the power the to do something different in order to get a different result.

The objective when treating Fear in Hypnosis is not necessarily to rid you of Fear completely, but to reduce the crippling effects by changing the subconscious pattern that you run that produces those crippling effects. The belief in your capabilities lies in your subconscious and the reaction to your successes and failures lie in your subconscious too. In Hypnosis I will change your subconscious patterns, whatever they are, and in doing so, I will change your fear experience to one that will enable you to push past the boundaries and find the treasure.

If you would like a better relationship with fear in your life, contact me, Alex Vrettos, a hypnotherapist in Worthing, West Sussex.


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