How Can Hypnosis Help Me Relax After Work?

Have you listened with envy to friends who say they have no problem leaving their job 'at the office'? Almost as if they can put all the mental stuff down the way they put tools, files, calculators or laptops down at the end of the day. How do they do that. It is too easy to keep going over problems that might occur, or problems you could have handled differently, wondering about issues you do not have all the information on and trying to solve them anyway. How do you 'put all that down' in order to be more present with your family and friends in the evenings and on the weekends?

The core of how I work with clients on these sorts of issues is helping them realise they do not bring anything home with them. Work is just thoughts. When you engage with the thoughts the way you engage with the actual events of the work day then you are engaging with your thoughts as if they are real. If you experience your thoughts as real then your body remains in some sort of alert state as work is not over. Your mind keeps trying to resolve issues that are no longer happening, and going over how conversations or meetings might have gone differently, as if trying to improve on something that is already done and dusted.

This is a form of self-hypnosis. Your mind is reacting to the 'imagined office' – wherever that might be for you – instead of being present at home with your kids, your partner, your friends or just a decent meal and a good movie. The imagination has become more real than reality. Many people turn to drink or smoke to try to switch off.

But what if there is nothing to switch off? If you can just focus for a moment and remember the thoughts of work are just thoughts. They are not actually happening, so there is nothing to resolve, nothing to fix, nothing to do right now. When you rest in the knowledge that it is not real then your body stops responding and stands down from work alertness. Even if the thoughts continue a bit, they are less important and do not demand your energy or concentration. You wake up from your work trance.

So, how can hypnosis help you relax after work? My relaxation hypnosis – Let Go Of The Day is a short self-hypnosis audio that helps you out the day down, let go of work, so that you can relax and enjoy your evening with a quiet confidence that it will all still be there tomorrow at the right time and in the right place.


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