Am I My Own Worst Enemy?

You are your own worst enemy and your own best friend. Everything that happens in your mind is for your own good, but the subconscious strategies learned to protect you in some areas of life hold you back in other areas of life.

Fear and anxiety are feelings that occur as a result of subconscious patterns that are designed to keep you safe. Social Anxiety Disorder for example can be crippling, it can feel like you are getting in your own way and preventing yourself from being able to progress in a career or connect with people but you are doing this because your subconscious has decided that social situations present some form of threat to you and is therefore doing everything that it can to keep you from entering those situations and taking the perceived risk.

Depression is a feeling that occurs as a result of a subconscious pattern that very much supports the belief that you are your own worst enemy. When your life seems to be slipping out of control, you blame yourself for this and so you become down on yourself which only allows you to sink further into the depression creating a downward spiral with no way out. The self-blame however is an attempt of your mind to take back some control – rather than accept you are a victim of circumstance which is a powerless position to perceive, your mind assumes some of that power back by accepting responsibility but this backfires and drags you down further.

Hypnosis is a way to talk to your subconscious mind and direct it more specifically to continue using these patterns where they are useful but to replace these patterns with different patterns where they are having an adverse effect. Come and see me for hypnosis in West Sussex and I can see about ensuring that your mind is working for you in all situations and not just some situations so that you no longer have a concern that you are working against yourself.


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